ANST-Announce - [EstrellaWar] Estrella 17 Town Crier

Judwiga Czarnpika judwiga at
Fri Dec 29 10:04:08 PST 2000

Hello! Sorry for the mass posting.  Please send this to any groups that will be at Estrella and are not on the list already.  Thanks all and have a Happy New Year!!

Unto Town Cryers, Site Heralds, Court Heralds and all those with loud voices:
 Oyez, Oyez ... cough, cough, wheeeeeeeeeze ....  ahem --
 Estrella War is coming!!       Estrella War is coming!!
 I need volunteers to help with the site announcing duties. The Town Criers get to walk and announce the major events for the day. You get to see the site and find out where all your friends are camped! 
 Originally, Master Erik was in charge of Town Crier. Due to circumstances beyond his control, his deputy, now acting Stunt Herald, is Judwiga Czarna Pika Ze Smokza Jamy.    
 You may sign up in advance of the War with the Volunteer Autocrat, Baroness Ynez, at ynez at to help with Town Crier duties, or contact me directly at Judwiga at  Please put Estrella Heraldry in the
Since I am not interested in becoming the Autocrat for Town Crier, Master Erik and I are still looking for other deputies (especially someone who might be willing to consider taking over as Town Crier in some future year, after learning the ropes as a deputy.) Please Email me or Master Erik at jdana at
 You may also visit me at the war at Town Cryer's point to sign up.
 Sign-up slots are available for 3-4 heralds on
 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at each of the following times:
 In addition, on-call slots are available each day for 2 heralds
 each for AM,PM and evening shifts.
 On-call means "Oh-No, the schedule changed or someone's lost,etc."
 When you volunteer as an on-call herald you will need to provide campsite location, so that emergency notices can be brought to your campsite.
Thank you all for your support.
THL Judwiga Czarna Pika Ze Smokza Jamy

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