GE - January Populace Meeting

Joe Parris sirwolfdude at
Mon Jan 10 03:49:45 PST 2000

While I love working in this business I work in, I hate the fact that i 
cannot get the important days (or nights actually) off so I can attend the 
ness. meetings I need to make. If I can get a brief synopsis of the meeting 
from someone I would appreciate it. Also, and I know this is WAY in advance, 
Labor Day weekend we are holding a convention, sort of a replacement for 
Nancon. It was tossed around that a demo by the SCA would be cool. We are 
looking for about 6 to 8 people for the weekend to come out and do demo 
things (haha I know, I tried to explain to them what that might entail) and 
the armour and weapons aspect was talked about as well. Ideas? if so, 
contact me.

Alan McGuire

>From: StephenMacthomas at
>Reply-To: gatesedge at Ansteorra.ORG
>To: gatesedge at Ansteorra.ORG
>CC: talltxn31 at, eileigh at, stellasplendens at,  
>       carla_garza at, hkleeman at, Shole at,      
>   switch621 at, mnemenoi at, GGenevieve at
>Subject: GE - January Populace Meeting
>Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 23:53:17 EST
>Greetings unto the list and unto our newcomers!
>This Monday evening, Gate's Edge will hold its monthly populace meeting at
>Northwoods Presbyterian Church, starting at 7:30 pm.  All are invited to 
>meeting and much fun will be had by everyone.  Garb is optional, as many of
>our members come straight from work to the meeting.  The meeting will last
>until 9:00, and many of our populace members go out for dinner and/or 
>Directions:  Take your best route to FM1960 and Terrace Oaks, which is two
>lights west of Kuykendahl.  There is a self-storage facility and a Pilgrim
>Cleaners on the corner.  Turn north on Terrace Oaks, and turn into the 
>driveway on the left past the storage place.  You'll be facing the activity
>annex of Northwoods Presbyterian.  Enter by the right door and we'll meet 
>the first classroom on the left, across from the restrooms and coffee
>station.  (I wish this meant we have coffee; this is not the case.  It's 
>a landmark for finding us.)
>If anyone has questions, please feel free to post them to the list at
>gatesedge at and an answer will find its way to you.
>(If anyone has better directions, PLEASE post them.  <grin>)
>I hope to see everyone there!
>In your service,
>Lord Stephen
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