GE - New E-Mail Addy for Annes!
StephenMacthomas at
StephenMacthomas at
Tue Jul 4 12:09:49 PDT 2000
Forwarded from Annes. Her sig line with iVillage automatically bounces her
posts on Gatesedge, but since it doesn't apparently do this with the
Ansteorran list, I've asked Pug to fix the problem with Gatesedge. Annes, I
apologize for the temporary inconvenience, but we should have the problem
rectified soon.
Stephen, Gatesedge List Admin
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Greetings to Kingdom, Region and Canton!
At long last, I have achieved a new email account. I am accepting mail still
at the old account but prefer to get messages here. My new email account is:
hlannes at
Please add this address to your address books and delete the old address. I
am using the old address for news subscriptions only. Thanks so much. Until
then, I remain...
In Service,
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