GE - my most humble thanks

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Fri Jul 7 10:39:53 PDT 2000

  Unto the populus and the mundanes who were at the scene of
the court of Baron Talmon & Lady Adelicia.
  I don't know if I can put this into words that will be understood.
My lady and I were both honored and impressed, with the proceedings of
the court. It being our first attempt at being in the "high chairs"
We were somewhat awed by the defference paid to the office.Thank goodness 
there was no call for a long speech. I had enough trouble remembering where 
I was. I wish I could thank each and every one of you by name, but of you 
recall I couldn't even remember Lord Ciarans
name to honor him for his brewing skill. Unto Lady guinevere,
Untold blessings upon you and your house. I have never been made to feel 
more at ease than during this party. Besides that the food was good too.A 
special thanks to your helpers and students for their
assitance in all the work they did.
  Unto the guards behind the high chairs{I just caint call them
thrones}LOrd Bowen, Lord Iaen mor ,lord ciaran. For you to stand behind us 
as guards was really appreciated. And last but not east To Lord stephen, 
Your taking charge and giving some dignity to the event was surely needed on 
our part ,I think all the mundanes who listened
to your explanation of the proceedings were ginen a class they didn't 
          Once again to all of you, Our thanks.
              Baron Talmon & Lady Adelicia.

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