GE - possible weaving project?

Lady Angharad Rhonddha lady_angharad_rhonddha at
Mon Jul 10 11:13:39 PDT 2000

I am one of those folks who've "thought" about learning to weave but have 
never done anything about it and as I recall, there were some previous posts 
on weaving.

Well, a dear friend kinda, sorta recommended a good beginning project for me 
(I think it's a strong hint) - and that is weaving Star of Merit and Iris 
ribbons.  He presented his to a friend and never got a replacement.  
Apparently these are usually in short supply.

Now, never having touched a loom before - I am anxious to get started and 
think I can fit this in to my spare time (waiting for traffic lights?).

If I'm being silly....I'm sure someone will let me know...FAST!

Lady Angharad (Rondah)
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