GE - Fwd: ANST-Announce - Message From Their Royal Highnesses

Darlene Vandever hlannes at
Wed Jul 12 19:23:58 PDT 2000

Greetings unto the List!

    This message came onto the Ansteorran list.  Let's toss it around on this one and discuss it.  Since so many of us plan to attend Coronation this would be a perfect time to show even more support for our incoming Royals.  I have a number of items around the house which would be just fine for what they are asking.  I will be glad to coordinate this.  I even have a basket or two which will serve.  We have to act fast as coronation is only a week and a half away.  Anybody who wants to contribute just email me and I will get your contribution from you.  Until then, I remain....

In Service,

--------- Forwarded Message ---------

DATE: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 10:48:52
From: "G.R.Rhine" <grrhine at>
To: ansteorra-announce at

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