ANST-Announce - Western Regional Scribe opening - take applications

Lee Lemons lalemons at
Thu Jul 13 18:34:11 PDT 2000

> Greetings unto the Scribes of the Western Region!
> The current Western Regional Scribe, Lord Magnus, has decided to step
> down from his position.  I very gratefully thank him for being my
> Regional Scribe and hope that he will continue his scribal pursuits
> whenever he has the time in his busy schedule!
> This now opens up a position for someone who would like to further
> his/her interests in the scribal community!  Here are some of the job
> requirements:
> 1)  Be accessible to give out blank charters for others to paint.
> 2)  Be accessible to have the painted charters given back to you so that
> you can mail them up to the current Sable Scroll or Crown.
> 3)  When possible, arrange for / or attend charter painting parties.
> 4)  Help out your Region's scribes as best you can -- coordinate meeting
> at events, and so on, to sit together and go over charters, etc.
> 5)  Contact scribes around your Region to be like deputies.  An
> example:  contact the heads of scribal guilds so that you know who the
> scribes are, see if they need any help, and so on.
> #1 is the most important qualification to be able to fulfill.  The
> modern world, being as it is, places several demands on us and sometimes
> a Regional scribe just can't do all the parts of the job he or she would
> want to do.  If you can do at least #1, and try for the rest, then
> that's all I ask for.  An organized, experienced scribe would be
> preferred, but if you are at least organized I'll be happy!  And
> enthusiasm is a must!
> So if you are interested, please e-mail me and give some details of your
> experience and how much of the position's requirements would you be able
> to fulfill.  I will be taking applications until the end of June, so
> please, if you are interested, send your application to me immediately.
> Thank you!
> In Service to the Kingdom and the Dream,
> Baroness Curstaidh Magorlick
> Star Signet
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