ANST-Announce - Charter painting at Queen's Champion!

Lee Lemons lalemons at
Tue Jul 25 16:17:03 PDT 2000

Greetings to all the wonderful Ansteorran scribes!

This next weekend, at Queen's Champion, there will be charter painting
all day, or until they chase us out, beginning at 10:00 AM!  Countess
Sara, Baroness Alys, and I will be available at various times during the
day to help any painters who come by!

Just think:  A/C, chocolate, Chex Mix, paints, brushes, and all the
charters you can paint, all day long!  Wahoo!

So if you'd like to join us up at the Hall, please stop by and paint a

In Service to the Kingdom and the Dream,

Baroness Curstaidh Magorlick
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