GE - Fwd: ANST-Announce - Message From Their Royal Highnesses
Darlene Vandever
hlannes at
Tue Jul 18 18:01:41 PDT 2000
On Mon, 17 Jul 2000 11:48:03 Diane M. Mathews wrote:
>I think I have a couple of items that would work also, but I will not be
>going to coronation. Where can we meet to coordinate getting everything
>together ?
Dear Guinevere and the rest of the list,
So far I only have two responses to give a largess basket to our incomings so that they will have something to give to the royals they meet at pennsic. This has nothing to do with the welcoming gift we plan to give them at coronation. So far, its me, you, and Simone. I know others would like to give something but they haven't responded yet.
As far as coordinating, I will be home Weds, and thrus eveing and all day friday. I will be leaving sometime friday late afternoon early evening to attend coronation. I can come pick up or you could bring. Call me and we will arrange it.
Come on folks, this is a chance to show the incomings what we are made of. Don't you have a small something (not candles or soap, Allyson requests) that you could donate to the largess basket? They are specifically asking the cantons and shires to sponsor these baskets, not the baronies like traditionally. Remember to keep it small and light as many royals fly into and out of pennsic. this is timo's and allyson's 1st pennsic and they want to make it special but can't if we don't help out. enough begging. email or call me. Until then, I remain,
In service,
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