GE - Let's Help Shall We?

Diane M. Mathews camelothorse at
Sun Jun 4 13:28:02 PDT 2000

I am so glad everything went well !!  I was disappointed that I could not
stay but, with out of town company and with the Equestrian practice at my
place Sunday, I could not get back.  I think that may be part of your excess
money.  I had paid for two feasts and then called the kitchen to let them
know I would not get back so they could relinquish my tickets for those on
the waiting list.  If they then paid, that would be an extra $12.00.  I
figure it is for a good cause.

----- Original Message -----
From: <blaan at>
To: "gatesedge at Ansteorra.ORG" <gatesedge at>
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2000 3:46 AM
Subject: GE - Let's Help Shall We?

> Dear Folks,
>        It's about 11 am I think, on Sunday am.  I am very bleary-eyed
> having yet to fully recover from all the fun we had yesterday.  BTW, a
> big VIVAT to one of the biggest MSF's I can remember (and I can remember
> all of them.......sometimes).  Congrats to LADY Cielyn and LORD Ciaran.
> Vivat to the new holders of the SABLE COMET....Lady Caitlin, Lady Gwen,
> Lady Seren.  Vivat to our newest GUARDIANS, HL Fenris and HL Fedelm.
> Vivat to our newest FAIR CHAMPION, Sir Godwin of Eddington.  Vivat to
> the COOKS!  Vivat to all the folks of Stargate who stayed and played and
> worked to clean up.  We owe these folks big time people!  Whew!  What a
> bunch of vivats!  Vivat to HONORABLE LORD Gerald of Leesville, on his
> Iris of Merit!   I'm sure there's more.  It was great and we can
> congratulate ourselves.  Hopefully, the gate was good enough that we
> broke even or maybe even went over.  FYI, there were 103 adults and 12
> children (under 12) on the sign in sheets.  There was a slight
> discrepincy on the gate.  The sheets tallied up $1,056 dollars taken in
> and there was 1,074 dollars in the cash box.  That is $18 over and I
> figure that is 3 feasts we somehow didn't get written onto the sheets.
> I don't know what break even was because I don't know what the costs of
> the event were.  Hopefully, those in the know will figure it out soon
> enough.
>     Well, all the above is not the original motive for this missive but
> I felt I needed to say it anyway.  Here's the real missive.
>      Last night during clean up, Lord Ihon MacEowin, stepped down wrong
> off the stage and broke his foot.  He and Lady Ebylyn do not have health
> insurance.  They have both been staunch supporters of Gate's Edge,
> coming to meetings and so forth even tho' they live and play in
> WestGate.  I would like the populace to consider taking up a donation as
> a group to give to them.  I'm sure any amount would help and be
> appreciated.
> Love
> Annes
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