GE - any interest

kimberly wells kdwells_1999 at
Thu Jun 15 11:13:08 PDT 2000

Greetings all, 

I am not sure how many of you read the Ansteorra list
also, So I am sending this out you our list. 

Baroness Larissa, is starting this group, to help
enhance "The Dream". Personally I think it has a lot
of potential, and thought some of the GE members would
like to be in on this also.
Here is her mailing to the Ansteorra, (Small note -
Since she sent this out all kinds of ideals have been
thrown out there, which you can read the back messages
at   you
can also subscribe to the mailing list from there. ) 

Re-posted with her permission:

Basically as a group, those interested in joining this
crusade will go before our Queen and wear an oath to
stand as an example for the courtesies of the current
middle ages, wear upon their arm a favor, gold, with a
black star center and a white rose upon the star.

My apprentices and cohorts here are making the favors,
so that part is taken care of. 

Anyone interested in joining the crusade joins in the
oath at future events and is given a favor to remind
themselves and others of the courtesies that we are
striving to recreate and stand as an example for.

We do this in public to show others what we are doing,
and to invite them to participate by joining or just
supporting the idea. 
I have almost completed the charter, and will present
it here on the list along with the oath when I have
completed it. 

This is done as individuals. You can play this high
persona, or not. 

The ideas behind all this is to stand as an example
and as a reminder, and because we are all such
different individuals and we all play differently, I
don't want to put too many rules on the participants. 


Kimberly Dawn 
kdwells_1999 at

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