GE - Fourth of July

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Sat Jun 24 10:10:49 PDT 2000

  The archers will need a long space for the flight of the
arrows.About 75 yards or so. I can bring the canton targets, and
all the other stuff for the people to use. Sounds like this will be fun.Let 
us know if you need any thing else.  Talmon.

>From: "Diane M. Mathews" <camelothorse at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: <gatesedge at>
>Subject: GE - Fourth of July
>Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 21:07:33 -0500
>If the Chivarlric Fighters, Archers,  Rapier, and Dancers will email me and 
>let me know what needs to be set up, I can begin to organize that and maybe 
>even begin setting a time schedule up.
>I want to be sure that we have plenty of water at different locations for 
>everyone.  The Fourth is ALWAYS HOT !!!
>I will be at Officer's meeting on Monday and plans can be firmed up then.  
>If anyone has a special idea they think will be fun-----let's hear it and 
>give it a try !

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