GE - Polling form for the Stargate Baronial Succession

Michael Tucker michaelt at
Wed Jun 28 13:05:16 PDT 2000

Unto the populace of Stargate including her Cantons of Gate's Edge and Westgate
Come warm greetings from Michael Silverhands and Neassa the Obstreperous,
Baron and Baroness of Stargate:

The time for polling the populace to recommend our successors is fast
approaching. We encourage all of you to take advantage of this opportunity to
make your wishes known to the Crown.

All polls, whether cast in person at Populace or through one of the other
methods described below, MUST be received no later than July 3rd. If you miss
this deadline, your missive will be considered but will not be tallied.

For those of you who are unable to attend that meeting, you have three options:

First, you may fill in this form and give it to Baron Michael or Baroness Neassa
in a sealed envelope by 6pm, Monday, July 3rd. Please do not give it to anyone
else. Please call them at (713) 983-9597 to arrange to deliver your poll to
them. We caution you not to trust your missive to the mail - His Highness MUST
receive it at Monday night's meeting. Please note that those who poll early MUST
fill in the form completely and sign their form.

Second, you may email your choices to Their Majesties and Their Highnesses.
Their addresses are <crown at> and <sirtimo at>. Please
answer all questions on the form and send your email to both addresses no later
than July 3rd. Please do NOT post your poll to any mailing lists. (Be careful
with that "Reply" button!)

Finally, you may call Their Highnesses at home at (817) 457-8546, up to and
including July 3rd. Please do not call after 10 pm. We request that you use this
option only if the other two are not possible for you. We realize that this is
extremely important, and we want everyone to have the opportunity to be heard,
however, please be kind to Their Highnesses, and leave Their phones as free as
possible so that They may continue to attend to the rest of the Kingdom as well.

If you have any questions about this form or the polling process, do not
hesitate to contact either of us.

Yours in service and with love,
Michael and Neassa

p.s. The form below is a "plain text" version of the form which is published in
the Two Towers and which will be used for the "in person" poll. Except for
formatting, they are exactly the same. You don't need to print this out if you
are planning to attend the polling; we will provide you with a spiffy form at
the polling. There will be plenty of copies for everyone. :-)


Polling form for the Baronial Succession
Barony of Stargate
Kingdom of Ansteorra
July 3, 2000

Provide this information only if not polling in person:
        Your legal name:   _____________________________________
        Your SCA name:     _____________________________________
        Your membership number (if any):        ______________

Do you have a current SCA membership?   __ Yes     __ No

Are you at least 18 years of age?       __ Yes     __ No

Where do you reside (ZIP code)?         __________

Which group's borders is this within? (check one)
        __ Stargate                __ Gate's Edge             __ Westgate

Roughly how many local (Stargate + Cantons) events have you attended in the past year?

Roughly how many local meetings have you attended in the past year?
        _____ Populace                _____ Event planning
        _____ Officers                _____ Fighter practice
                                      _____ Guilds/workshops

Please rank all 6 candidates in order by your preference (1=most preferred,
6=least preferred). Note: candidates are listed in the order their application
was received:
        _____ HL Annes Clotilde von Bamburg
        _____ HL Ihon Vinson MacFergus & Lady Isabeau Quiquondon
        _____ Sir Rhodri ap Gwythr & Mistress Kaitlyn McKenna
        _____ Centurion Othar Morganson & Lady Devnet MacShiehie
        _____ Sir Godwin of Edington & Mistress Elissena de Bayonne ("Lissa")
        _____ Lord Stephen MacThomas & HL Signy Gandalvsdottir

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