ANST-Announce - Children and charter painting.....

Lee Lemons lalemons at
Fri Jun 30 21:26:21 PDT 2000

Greetings unto the wonderful populace of Ansteorra, from Baroness
Curstaidh Magorlick, Star Signet.

I've noticed over the past year more and more of our younger Ansteorrans
showing an interest in charter painting!  At first I thought their
interest stemmed merely from the desire to partake of  the visible Chex
Mix and candy, but no, they truly wanted to learn "that fun painting"
the adults were doing!

However, there is great concern on my part of such young gentles
handling possibly toxic paints, not to mention fairly expensive scribal
materials,  without a parent or guardian around to give approval and
supervision . Not wanting to curtail the aspirations of such young and
excited potential scribes, I approached our Kingdom Minister of
Children, Her Excellency Anora Frayne of Winward, a scribe herself with
children who'd love to paint!

After much discussion we have come up with the following rules and
guidelines for our young Ansteorran scribes.  Due to the ages of these
first two groups, these children will not be allowed at any of the adult
charter painting areas or College of Scribes activities for safety
reasons,  but will be under the Minister of Children's supervision and
guidance.  As we develop these programs, more will be forthcoming from
the Kingdom Minister of Children, HE Anora.

*  Children who are seven or younger will use regular nontoxic
watercolors and have specially constructed artwork to paint, very
similar to our charters but basically only the "pictures" of our easier
charters run off on white paper.

*  Children who are eight through twelve will use either nontoxic
watercolors or special nontoxic gouache (whichever seems the more
accessible and suitable after we research this more) and the same types
of special charter pictures, albeit more intricate and difficult, the
younger children are using, run off on paper  similar or the same as our
real charter paper.  When any of these young scribes start really
improving in technique, control, etc., they can start painting our
Kingdom charters, first starting with the Rising Star charter, the
children's award charter we use  in our Kingdom.

We hope, by differentiating between the ages and usual skill levels that
accompany those ages, that the children will feel comfortable and at
ease with their painting level and skills, and feel eager to try their
best and learn enough so that when they reach the next level age wise,
they'll respond well and confidently to the more intricate and difficult
painting requirements.  I highly encourage the parents to join their
children in painting activities so that they can also learn about  the
painting rules, and expectations, and know what their children are
getting into activity wise. Believe me, they will want to do this at
home, too!

**  Teenagers who are thirteen or older will be allowed to join the
adult charter painting tables and will be under the  guidance of the
Kingdom scribes / officers at that point, and also will be able to join
in on the College of Scribes activities.  Parents must understand that
these 'older' gentles must be responsible and mature enough to follow
directions on safety precautions with the paints, brushes, pallets,
water, etc., and will be asked to leave the activity if they show any
disregard to any of the rules that might disrupt or endanger themselves
or anyone around them. Once more,  I highly encourage the parents to
join their teenagers in painting activities so that they can also learn
about charter painting  and all the rules and expectations, and know
what their children are getting into activity wise.

As many adult gentles have been finding out over the last several years,
charter painting can be simultaneously a wonderful artistic endeavor and
service to the Kingdom, and an activity that can be done easily at both
events and at home.  We now would like to extend this wonderful activity
to our younger gentles to try out their artistic ability, learn more
about a period art, and also learn how to provide a service for the
Kingdom in which they play.

As we all know, our Kingdom and Minister of Children officers are doing
their very best to try and involve the children and teenagers in many of
the very activities we adults are interested in, whether it is painting,
weaving, riding, fighting, etc.  Please remember that none of these
activities, artistic, fighting, and so on,  are for dropping children
off as if for baby-sitting.  We have the wonderful opportunity in our
Society to raise, shape, and educate our youth to be good, decent, and
caring individuals.  I hope by the diversity of the activities the
Kingdom is now beginning to form, and by the help of all officers,
gentles,  and caring parents, our youth will grow into the very
wonderful adults we aspire for them to be.  That is part of the
Dream....  : )

In Service to the Kingdom and the Dream,

Baroness Curstaidh Magorlick
Star Signet

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