GE - My apoligies, and reasons why

Lee Lemons lalemons at
Sun Jun 4 07:36:14 PDT 2000

No apology is ever needed - family always comes first!  I'm glad Nicholas is


kaos wrote:

> Dear gentles, and ladies..
> I apologize for not coming back to the event last night, what follows is my
> events of the evening.
> after we left to come have Nicholas take a nap. HE slept for about and hour
> and a half, then got sick in his sleep. I woke him up and he was burning up,
> took his temp 104.3, tried getting some pedilyte in him, and up it came....
> tried letting him soak in cool water, didn't work,. By now it is 7 and his
> fever is still 104. I called the peditration he wants his baby at the
> hospital and he will meet us there
> we get there and now Nicholas is up too 104.5, they start him on an IV.
> (with saline, and ashot of something to make him sleeping I forgot what it
> was, but his pedi said he would rather have nick not awake for what they
> were going to do next) They then put ice packs around his lower half of his
> body, left him like that for 15 mins and took it away his fever dropped
> after that to 101.4, they got to more bags of saline in him, and around 2 he
> started to wake up, he wanted to see Mary, that broke my heart... cause I
> had promised him when we left to go home that we would go back and he would
> see Mary.... poor baby, he had no idea what was going on....
> They got him some applesauce, and he ate it gone and it didn't come up, they
> gave him some bread at 430 that also stayed down. He was re-hydrated, and
> happy)  we stayed till 8 am while they watch him... Then his doctor released
> him. He seems okay says his arm hurts where the iv was....
> we are home, sleepy but home, and we don't know what got him sick unless it
> was the bug I have been fighting and it just got him worse..
> Lady kyrstyn
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