GE - Known World Heraldic

StephenMacthomas at StephenMacthomas at
Wed Jun 21 10:02:31 PDT 2000

In a message dated 6/21/2000 11:01:18 AM Central Daylight Time, 
Scott.Mills at writes:

>  I was just wondering who was organizing what for the event this weekend.
>  There hasn't been much discussion on the subject recently and I was under
>  the impression we where still on the hook for the ice cream social.

We are still doing the ice cream social on Saturday night.  I'll have a bit 
more information for you later in the day.  At this point, all those who wish 
to volunteer for the social need to be at the location of the social one half 
hour before the social kicks off and should expect to be there for about 
30-45 minutes afterwards to help clean up.  (I had it confirmed that the Rice 
staff will be departing in the early evening.)  I doubt this is going to be a 
long, drawn out thing - maybe till 11:00 - so I expect folks will be heading 
home by midnight.  Again, more concrete info is on the way.

I expect to go shopping probably tomorrow sometime, and as luck would have it 
my Sam's card is expired.  Anyone with a Sam's card that wishes to help out 
on this end of things please contact me privately.  Thanks in advance.

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