GE - Important news

blaan at blaan at
Sat May 6 21:42:55 PDT 2000

Greetings Unto the Populace!  I bring news of Great Importance!

     I attended (very late) Loch Guardian.  I got there just in time for
court.  Actually court had already started.

    Word Fame!  Our own lovely Lady Simone was named the first Lady of
the Lake.  She recieved a very nice wooden chair (fit tab A into slot B
type).  Vivat to Lady Simone.

    On a solemn note.

    Into the court of Ulstead the Unsteady and his lovely lady Cataeu,
Baron and Baroness of the Loch, came a most noble Knight's Templar.  He
stood forth and did call for our own Baron Michael Silverhands to come
forward.  This our noble Baron did.  Then with words most solemn did
this worthy Templar remind our beloved Baron of the need of his brothers
Templar in the Holy City for his counsel and might of arms.  Long has
our Baron Michael answered the need of our Kingdom and our Crown.  Most
worthily has he and his Baroness Neassa served the Black Star of
Ansteorra and the Nine-pointed Star of Stargate.  The Templars
understand duty and did most gladly let their brother-at-arms, Michael,
serve in another place for a space of time.  But now, Michael heard the
words of his brother Templar of the need in Jerusalem.  And Michael
understood that one need must outweigh the other.  He spoke most softly
of his service to the Barony he loves with all his heart.  He spoke of
his lack of a son to send to the Holy City in his stead and thus must
answer the call of his Brothers himself.  He told us of his counsel to
our Most Gracious Majesties of his need to return to his duties as
Templar and they, though saddened, they also understand duty and need.
He spoke of his lovely lady Neassa and of their need to return to the
Holy City to secure her safety.  And finally, with these fair words, did
declare that on the fifth anniversary of their accension to the thrones
of the Barony of the Stargate, at this September's Baronial event, they
would lay aside the coronets of our barony and pass the mantle of
responsiblity to another worthy or worthies.  Alas!  My eyes grow dim
with tears knowing that our friends must take up duties so perilous and
so glorious.  Vivat Baron!  Vivat Baroness!  Vivat Stargate!

Fare you well, beloved friends.  May your hearts rest from worry.  Your
populace salutes you for your strength, for your friendship, and for
your love.

Written by my hand, this day, 14th of April, Anno Dominae 2000.

HL Annes

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