GE - TRF 7th weekend

Serena Gethin lady_seren at
Mon Nov 6 10:33:58 PST 2000

Greetings Friends!

Alas the final weekend of the Texas Rennaisance Festival is upon us.  It 
will be this coming weekend, Nov. 11/12 and is being sponsored by the 
cantons of Westgate and Gates Edge.  Chivalric and Rapier ladies choice 
tourneys (in Baroness Adelecia's honor) will be held in the SCA compound.  
Any good gentles wishing to donate items for the winners' "basket o' 
goodies" (two baskets) would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact me via 
e-mail, or by phone at 281) 631-9425 by Wednesday evening if you have 
something to donate as I will be putting these baskets together and need an 
idea of what size baskets to prepare.

Our sister canton of Westgate is in charge of preparing feast on Saturday 
night, but I thought it might be nice if our canton of Gates Edge might put 
together lunchtime "snacks" or finger sandwiches, or if Westgate had not 
planned on it, maybe provide some desserts for feast.  If any one thinks 
this is a good idea and would like to coordinate this, please step right up. 
  Depending on the weather, I was planning on bringing stuff to make hot 
apple cider and hot chocolate if the weather is cool.

Also if anyone has any ideas and/or would like to coordinate an activity or 
competition, please speak up on it soon, as time is running out.

I hope to see all of our canton friends/family there to support this final 
weekend of our largest demo, which by the way has been a great resource in 
discovering(recruiting) new friends for our Cantons and the Barony.

In service and frienship and service, Lady Seren
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