GE - Over the Edge

Maria Bulgarelli scarlettmb at
Mon Nov 27 05:21:45 PST 2000


I'm so glad to hear that she's doing better.  I'll reiterate what I said before.  If you need anything, call me.  You have the new number.  

Tell Adelicia I said Hi.


------Original Message------
From: "Talmon Parker" <tt_ann at>
To: gatesedge at
Sent: November 27, 2000 1:09:06 PM GMT
Subject: Re: GE - Over the Edge

  Just a quick update on Lady Adelicia::
She has been in rehab for three weeks now. Her progress is very
slow, as is to be expected after 3 1/2 mo's in bed. It seems that every time 
we get her going a little bit, the have to do some procedure to put her in 
bed rest for a couple of weeks. Now her donor
sites from the last plastic surgery is leaking pretty badly.
The seal on the bandage loosened last night. There was enough liquid that 
they had to change the bed linen.
  All told she is in pretty good sprits.talking better,but not much volume. 
able to rise and stand still for about 2 minutes holding onto the rails. 
Thats with assistance of course. Doesen't make any difference,It's progress 
and I'll,take any I can get.
  I hope to make the squires event at the catfish lake.Maybe I'll
see some of you people there.     Talmon & Adelicia.

>From: "Kealani Brown" <KealaniBrown at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: <gatesedge at>
>Subject: GE - Over the Edge
>Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 21:52:38 -0600
>It's that time again........ please turn in your submissions for this 
>Yours friendly neighborhood chronicler,
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