GE - lady Adelicia report

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Fri Sep 1 14:45:54 PDT 2000

  To the populus of ansteorr and the other friends who and family who have 
e-mailed and called about the progress of lady Adelicia's
troubles. I am happy to say that the catherization of her heart
went much better than expected. There is some blockage,but it is
in the spider veins,and not in the main arterys. These veins are so small 
that they cannot work on them. They will be treated with
medication,no surgery needed. As to the numbness in her left hand
that is caused by a blockage in her brain. Once again this will be treated 
by medication. The prognosis at this time looks good. We are not out of the 
woods yet.But there is some light comming through the trees. She will 
probably be in th hospital ot least over the week end.
   With luck we will have her back in almost as good of a shape
as she was before.
                   Thanks for your concern. Talmon and Adelicia

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