GE - Business Meeting Minutes August 28,2000
Phillip Toland
p.toland at
Mon Sep 11 15:12:08 PDT 2000
Minutes From the Gates Edge Business Meeting August 28, 2000
Officer's Reports
Seneschal's Report-Lord Stephen
We now have filled the Minister of Children(Caelainn), and Knights Marshal
Position (Bowen). Stephen is still seeking applications for Minister of
Arts and Sciences through Thursday August 31. He will call the four people
who had expressed an interest. Otherwise the position will remain open for
one more month. The Canton doesn't have to fill the position but it would
be nice since we have active guilds.
Last months populace went well with lots of good dialogue in September we
have finger weaving by Caelainn, October is learning Rising of the Star by
Eadric, and in November we will use the presentation time for Heraldic
Archery Marshall-Baron Talmon
Archery range had been open daily for the last 10 days and will remain open,
Eadric and Talmon have been shooting next archery will be Sept. 2.
Minister of Arts and Sciences-OPEN
Brewer's Guild- Had a good turn out at last one with tasting, next one
will be Sept. 2 at Eadric's following Archery.
Chatelaine-Lady Gwynafwy (absent)
Minister of Children- Lady Caelainn (Acting)
Ask everyone to please read the new Minister of Children Guidelines in the
August Black Star and give her feedback especially if you are a parent.
Received ideas for activities from Seren and Adelicia.
Chronicler-Lady Linnet (absent)
Linnet's work schedule will change in September allowing her to attend
more meetings and events. She plans on being at Baronial.
Equestrian Marshal-Guinevere (absent)
Herald-Lady Seren
Seren is still trying to get together with Sean will try to figure out a
better way of communication between the two. Helped Lady Simone work on
Historian-Baroness Adelicia
no report
Hospitaler-Lord Bowen
At last newcomers meeting everyone worked on building a ballista, next
newcomers is Sept. 21 at the O'Neill's.
Knight Marshal-Lord Bowen (Acting)
Went to the leather factory have a buffalo hide and 15lbs of rivets for
those wishing to make armor.
Rapier Marshal-Lord Ciaran
Added another fighter now up to 5 fighters who attend regularly. Practice
is cancelled Sept 20 and Oct 4.
Reeve -Lord Sean (absent)
Virtual Scribe-Lord Eadric
Reminder to put any activities you are in charge of on the calendar.
Old Business
Mid Summer Faire XI Update-Lord Eadric Autocrat
Called a number of places about event sites scout camps are out because
unavailable in June, church camps too prices, Livingston Trade Days site
possibility but 1 1/2 hrs away. At brew-it do-it Sept 2 will come up with
banner designs for Gates Edge.
Queen's Champion Update-HL Annes/ Lady Seren
Annes resigned from event, Seren continues looking for site Livingston,
Lake Houston, Catfish farm all possibilities. Possibly put in bid for royal
huntsman to be held in conjunction with Queens.
Texas Renaissance Festival Update-Lord Stephen
Maureen from Westgate has a feastocrat for the last weekend which we are
co-hosting, she will find autocrat or be it herself. Gates Edge will supply
New Business
Zip Code List- Caelainn is working on a zip code list and unofficial
doomsday list for the canton.
Gates Edge Tee Shirts- Lord Eadric is having GE tees made up and will be
selling them soon.
Minutes- The minutes from business meetings will appear in the newsletter
as well as on the GE list and in print at meetings.
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