GE - Business Meeting Minutes 9/25
Phillip Toland
p.toland at
Tue Sep 26 14:54:51 PDT 2000
Gates Edge Business Meeting Minutes September 25, 2000
Officer's Reports
Seneschal- Lord Stephen (absent) Meeting presided by Caelainn
Report from Stargate officers-(HL Annes) discussed lost and found from
Baronial, talked of buying new pavilion for Stargate since the old one is in
disrepair, approved buying new coronets for Baron and Baroness since the
current ones don't fit there personas time period. New coronets will have
six small points, Stargate crest center front, nine pointed star on each
side, two towers on either side of the stars, and then another star. The
coronets will cost $400 a piece. The officers also discussed how they have
no bids yet for there Spring event. There was a Yule planning meeting
Sunday Sept. 24.
Archery Marshal- Baron Talmon was unable to attend
Eadric informed us that at the last archery shoot there were four souls who
braved the 111 degree heat to shoot. The next shoot will be Oct 7th,
Novembers shoot has been rescheduled due to it coinciding with Gates Edge's
weekend at TRF, the new date has not yet been set.
Minister of Arts and Sciences- Kvinne (acting)
Brewer's Guild-Lord Ciaran
Next brewer's guild will be Oct. 7th following archery.
Charter Painting Guild-on hiatus
European Dance Guild-HL Signy (absent)
Sewing Guild-Lady Gwynafwy
Sewing is the second Thursday of each month at Lady Seren's home
beginning at 7pm. The next meeting is Oct. 12th. Last month they worked on
newcomer garb and had several members in attendance.
Chatelaine-Lady Gwynafwy
Canton pavilion is at Seren's currently, pop-ups are still at Annes, as are
signs. There will be a Gates Edge Inventory day in November the date to be
set at the Oct. business meeting.
Minister of Children-Lady Caelainn (acting)
No news of late.
Chronicler-Lady Linnet (absent)
Equestrian Marshal- Lady Guinevere
No September practice, next practice is Oct. 28 in Tomball; Mora will be in
charge. King's Lancer was last weekend. Guinevere has requested that the
Canton provide the funds to make new loner lancets, consisting of a ring
lance, pig sticker, and spear requiring $8 a piece to cover materials for a
total of $24. The current lances that Stargate has are in bad shape. We
will discuss further at populace.
Herald- Lady Seren
Ciaran's name has been submitted. Gazette has yet been transferred from
Stephen to her.
Historian- Baroness Adelicia (absent)
Adelicia is still in Tomball hospital recovering froma stoke. She is doing
better and her cat has been able to visit her aiding in her recovery. In
this busy event season please bring her your photos and emails are taken to
her by Talmon.
Hospitaler- Lord Bowen
Newcomers in September covered bardic. Stephen taught a song, Seren taught
a song, Gwyn and Seren preformed Bonnie Bonnie Banks of the Vergio, Bowen
taught 2 Viking drinking songs, and 2 other Viking songs, then everyone went
hot tubbing. There were 5 newcomers present. Information concerning the
Oct. meeting will be on list.
Knight Marshal-Lord Bowen (acting)
No practice next two weeks. Bowen will be working on armor at TRF.
Rapier Marshal-Lord Ciaran
Practice this week will be in the woodlands directions will be on the GE
calendar. No practice Oct 4 due to mundane obligations.
Reeve-Laird Sean (absent)
Sean's daughter was very sick he gave his report to Stephen who
unfortunately was also very sick. Seren talked with him he had not yet
gotten the Sept. statement and our quarterly report will go in next month.
Virtual Scribe- Lord Eadric
Please maintain the calendar.
Old Business
Queen's Champion-Lady Seren is still working on bid, using Lake Houston
site as long as no problem with archery and incorporating Royal Huntsman,
and possibly Kings Lancer.
Mid Summer Faire-Lord Eadric regalia planning session will be Oct. 7 at
brew it do it all are strongly encouraged to attend.
Yule-Lady Gwynafwy inquired as to what GE is planning to do for our table
decorations this year.
New Business
Lord Marius from Raven's Fort came to the Business meeting to propose Gates
Edge running Black White and Sort of Grey in January/February 2002. Black
White is an assassins guild event not a group event. Stargate did the first
couple recently Raven's Fort has done the last two. It looks like the event
would take place at the stones but a set date is need for confirmation.
Each year this event is a different theme, Lord Marius would co-autocrat
this event with someone from Gates Edge. Current ideas for themes which he
presented include Richard the 3rd Quest, Vlad the Impaler with a torch light
tourney, and the Spanish Inquisition. This event usually brings in a
$600-$700 profit. Lord Marius will attend populace on Oct 9th to answer
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