ANST-Announce - Canton of Glaslyn's Defender Tourney
Richard Culver
rbculver at
Fri Apr 6 06:18:26 PDT 2001
Cyniric hlafard Cyniwarding, herlad for the folk of Glaslyn, does send
greetings to the people of Ansteorra.
The Folk of Glaslyn are proud to announce a one day tournement for our
Defender of the Flame and Keeper of the Flame.
This great day will held on the 5th of May, 2001 at Camp Burnet in
Southlake, TX (directions in a forth coming announcement).
Chivalric Defender: First round is a single elimination 2 out of three, but
no need to worry about a short day of fighting. The second will be 2
opponents from the defeated, wielding single weapons, against one, their
chioce of style, from the winners. Each round thereafter the number of
opponents goes up by one in each round until we have a winner.
Rapier Defender: Also 2 of three single elimination for the first round.
In the next rounds, a set of circles of various diameter will be used. In
these round one defender will go against two opponents. The defender will
not be able to leave the circle and must defeat his or her attackers. The
attackers try to wither kill the defender or move him or her from the
circle. Each round, the defender will have less and less space to use.
Keeper of the Flame: This honour will be determined by the vote of the
Ladies of the canton. It is to award those fighters who exhibit the best
qualities of chivalry and exceptional spirit on the field.
Site will open at 9 AM and will close 8ish PM. There will be a tavern on
The site is wet with period containers.
Cost is $6 for adults and children 13 years old and older, $3 for
children from 5 - 12, and children under 5 are free. All appropriate
waivers required.
A small court to present the winners will be held after the heavy list.
Look for further announcements as time closes on the event.
Cyniric hlafard Cyniwarding
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