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YSFAEL@ ELEANOR ysfaeleleanor at
Mon Apr 9 17:53:31 PDT 2001

Greetings to you all, 
  Please forgive any duplicates, I am having trouble
with AOL ver. 6.0 creating HTML, thus causing
bounceback. YB
      I send this missive to all of the local Knights
Marshals in the Southern Region.

      About a year ago, Duke Kein MacEwan put forth a
call to the Barony of 
Bryn Gwlad to form a war company with the express goal
of winning the King's 
Battle Ribbon. Even though I live in Bjornsborg, it
was my great privilege to 
serve with my Knight (Duke Kein) in this august
endeavor. We were successful, 
and the King's Battle Ribbon now sits upon a Bryn 
Gwlad spear. 
At the event recently held in Bjornsborg, Duke Kein
called for the 
formation of a Southern Army. Jarl Timo, Sir Kief, Sir
Emrys, and many other 
hearty men came forth and pledged support for this
And so the Southern Army was born. Consider for a
moment the awesome 
spectacle of our army. Across the bloody field, in
disciplined rank upon 
rank, the war bands of Southern Ansteorra stands
arrayed against our old 
adversary from the east. Bryn Gwlad formed to hold the
middle, Sir Corwin's 
troop of fierce skirmishers ready at a moments notice
to crash upon an enemy 
flank leaving many of them dead, whilst his unit cries
"Roahd!" and leaves 
not one dead Ansteorran to succor their commander
after such losses. Men in 
Black, that sable band ready to sally forth, with
grave determination, their 
swords singing. Bjornsborg and Theuin, with engines of
death, wreaking havoc 
in the back ranks so that even those who shy from our
fierce display may have 
the honor to die to our army. Randall der Krieger
wading hip deep in Trimaran 
blood. Guy le Strange leading a fierce unit of polemen
into the fray like so 
many reapers among the wheat. The archers with deadly
flights release the 
unwary from grim service. 
      I have asked you to consider this, and so you
have. Now consider where 
you will stand in this battle array. At Hero of the
Temple and again on 
Sunday at Steppes Warlord, Kein will call for the
mustering of the Southern 
Army, with the express goal that when next the wolf
from three seas east of 
our fair kingdom does again come forth out of its den,
then at the end of 
that glorious day, the Southern Army will march home
under the shade of the 
King's Battle Ribbon. 
      This will not happen by itself. Nor should we
all expect that four or 
five months of light training will prepare us for this
feat. I tell you that 
you marshals must rouse your fighting men and women to
begin now to train. 
Answer Kein's call. Organize drill practices. Learn
how to stand in a wall so 
that none can pass unscathed. Remember also that no
army ever walks alone. 
Those we love and leave behind send more with us than
prayers. An army must 
have clothes. It must have food and lodging. In Bryn
Gwlad, we also carry the 
banner of St. Joanna in remembrance of the great
service done us by long 
hours and tedious needlework done by one of our own
ladies. Honor their 
efforts, and let them feel that they stand the field
with you when you wear 
surcoats they have made, or, weary from battle, you
sup at their table. Drill 
for them, so that they also may take a share, and
rightfully, in the glory of 
battles won. 
      It would not ordinarily fall to local marshals
to take on this task of 
helping create this army, but I know that each of you
is capable of 
motivating fighters in your local groups. Do this.
Make armor, and help 
others do the same. Organize food plans and travel so
that more of you can 
afford to go to war. Come to the mustering, and tell
your local people about 
this. Even the fighters who cannot travel to war can
still help in training 
the army. Everyone counts. Let everyone have a share
in this adventure. I 
leave it to you to lead in forming units.
service to the Dream,
Region Knights Marshal

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