GE - William the Invisible

Tyr Tjuguskegg tjuguskegg at
Thu Apr 12 11:53:42 PDT 2001

Hello Caitlin,

Just thought I wpould put in my little 2 cents, Methodist Willowbrook does 
have the bone specialist and infection doctors there, the problem is they 
don't have any beds and haven't for weeks, cause they can't get enough staff 
to open up to full capacity, and even if they did they still would be full 
because it is only a 67 bed hospital, talk about poor planning, what idiot 
designed that hospital, and I work for them so I can say this. Someone who 
obviously was not a nurse who works in the area, or they would have built a 
200 bed hospital, and made pay comparable to the rest of the day I will be boss (ok so I am bossy but one day I will 
have the right). Maybe I can be King? heheheheheheh, if there is anything I 
can do to help, not sure what, I will do what I can.

Tyrbringr "Tyr" Tjuguskegg
of Clan Grepyr,
Legion of the Sable Star.

>From: Carolyn Young <Carolyn.Young at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: "Gate's Edge List (E-mail)" <gatesedge at>
>Subject: GE - William the Invisible
>Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 11:24:20 -0500
>Hi Gang,
>Well, the story gets more interesting by the day.  Yesterday, Wednesday,
>Bill had his regularly scheduled appointment with his foot surgeon.  The
>foot looks better than it has in months he said.  However, (you heard that
>coming, right?) most adults don't run 102-103 temperature for no reason, so
>they put him in Methodist in the Med Center for tests.  They couldn't
>possibly use the new Methodist in Willowbrook; they don't have any
>specialists there.
>Anyway, I'll keep you posted as to his/their progress.
>P.S.  When this is over, I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.  I've 
>hard for it; I deserve it; and no one is going to deprive me of it.  : - P
>Carolyn Young
>MIS Department
>Goodman Mfg.
>713.861.2500  ext 425
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