ANST-Announce - In Service to the Dream video...

Lord Evets von Drachenklaue LordEvets at
Thu Apr 12 19:05:24 PDT 2001

FYI. I usually don't pass along advertisements, but this looked interesting.
A video has been made about the SCA entitled "In Service to the Dream". I
pre-ordered the DVD hoping enough people would order it to do the run. See
their website at:

Here is their ad:

The wait is over!  The first feature-length documentary about the Society
for Creative Anachronism, created by long-standing SCA members (as well as
professional filmmakers), is finally available!  This is no montage of
fighting footage, but a comprehensive look, chronicling life in the current
middle ages.  "In Service to the Dream" investigates as many of the
pertinent aspects of this intriguing subculture, as could be fit into two
hours.  Not only is the fighting and war experience depicted, but the arts,
and most importantly, the social dynamics that imbue the society with life,
are examined in loving detail.  The quest for the higher ideals of honor and
chivalry, the need for community and family, the desire to connect to one's
historical/cultural roots and how climbing the feudal hierarchy enriches and
catalyzes the personal growth of the members all make up the tale of "In
Service to the Dream".
Stemming from 95 hours of footage, 55 interviews and 23 events, all filmed
over a 10 month period, "In Service to the Dream" is destined to become a
classic tale of an American subculture, as well as a piece of SCA history.
NTSC Stereo.  Total running time: 128 minutes.

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