ANST-Announce - Merchant selling out silent auction

Nancy Starkey rosemacmora at
Sat Apr 14 20:21:18 PDT 2001


Unto the Populace of Ansteorra

At Elfsea Springfaire, there will be a silent auction
of the merchandise of Ld Artair and Ldy Rose Macmora. 
This will be the only opportunity to get any
merchandise from them.  As they started merchanting
nearly a decade ago at an Elfsea event they thought it
fitting to quit merchanting at an Elfsea event.  Come
bid on the wide variety of items from jewelry to shoes
and feast gear to books.  The minimum bid on most
items will be one dollar ($1) with the raising bids
being a minimum of a quarter ($.25).  Come join the
fun and help the Barony of Elfsea, as a percentage of
the monies will go to the Barony.

Ld Artair and Ldy Rose Macmora

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