GE - Dance Demo coming up
Heather Jones
hjones at
Mon Apr 16 14:42:46 PDT 2001
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Information below is on an upcoming
demo in the Houston area. If you are a dancer, your participation is very
welcome! For those of you who don't dance, don't worry -- I'm sure there
will be a demo for you to participate in soon <grin>
>We have been requested to do a demo for St. Mark's Spring Festival,
>Saturday, April 21st. This was announced at Sunday's dance practice with the
>following people who volunteered: Signy, Ihon, David, Isabeau, did I miss
>anyone? I'm looking for more dance volunteers who will be available and
>would like to join us. We will be in what is known as the "Tea Room" with
>glorious A/C. We're looking at about an hour long demo with "maybe" an half
>an hour or so in the courtyard.
>St. Mark's Episcopal School is located at 3816 Bellaire in Bellaire. Please
>let Signy or I know if you can make it. We need to be at the school by
>10:30 in order to start at 11:00.
Lady Suannoch nighean mhic Choinnich
Hospitaler, Canton of Westgate
aka Heather Jones
**Don't forget**
Closet Cleanout Time -- we're still accepting donations
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