GE - May 10th demo

Heather Jones hjones at
Thu Apr 26 08:17:56 PDT 2001


I am looking for volunteers for a demo on Thursday, May 10th, at Hunter's 
Creek Elementary.  The demo will start at 6:45 pm and last until 8:00 
pm.  Hunter's Creek Elementary is located at 10650 Beinhorn Rd (just south 
of I-10 off Voss) in the Houston area.  Our audience will vary in ages from 
6 to 12 with their parents.

I am looking for dancers and light fighters, and I would like to have 
several tables set up with the various crafts that are done within the 
SCA.  There is also room for musicians and/or bards.

If you are able to volunteer your time and your skills, we would love to 
have you.  RSVPs are requested.

Thank you,
Lady Suannoch.

Lady Suannoch nighean mhic Choinnich
Hospitaler, Canton of Westgate

aka Heather Jones
**Don't forget**
Closet Cleanout Time -- we're still accepting donations

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