GE - SUNDAY the 8th
Michael Tucker
michaelt at
Thu Apr 5 09:37:31 PDT 2001
Alexis. A-L-E-X-I-S.
Michael Silverhands (or Silverhand, if you look it up in the heralds' book - but
what do they know?)
p.s. see you there! :-)
Tyr Tjuguskegg wrote:
> Please be aware of this Sunday the 8th, we will be meeting at my house this
> sunday at no later than 12 noon...BUT instead of the scheduled program for
> the guild metting, WE have decided to leave from here, carpooling, to go to
> the Coastal BBQ at Sir Lexus' house. I tried to figure out a way to have
> some metal working before we left but a small census of the group bascically
> helped me to decide to basically forego the metal working guild at my house
> and to try to make it to the shoe making seminar held at 1pm at Sir Lexus'
> house just before the "BBQ" starts. We decided that footwear is a form of
> armor, and so it still fits into the scheme of armor/metal working guild. If
> you don't have a ride and want to go please let it be known, if you have a
> ride and wouldn't mind someone riding with you please let it be known, we
> are going to try to make a group effort to make it to the BBQ. Let the known
> world know that we Gate's Edge are a participating community, and that we
> all have a group prepared for war to sanctify our freedom, and fill our
> bellies with BBQ, we must let it be known, we must be a player in life in
> the SCA, not a bystander on the bleachers of life. Participation comes in
> many forms, and cheering on our brothers and sisters is participation folks,
> you don't have to fight to participate, you don't have to serve food to
> participate, showing up counts!!! Lets show the coastal region that we can
> participate!!!! Come to my house and we will make sure you get there. If you
> don't know where I live, ask.
> Tyrbringr "Tyr" Tjuguskegg
> of Clan Grepyr,
> Legion of the Sable Star.
> _
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