GE - Latest on William the Invisible

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Sun Apr 15 11:50:27 PDT 2001

   Sorry to hear about mr. Bill.
My lady continues to fight her battle with various illnesses.
She has, it seems,a deveiation in her throat which allows part of what she 
eats to go into her lungs and cause pnuemonia. The method of attack is to 
install a feeding tube. This will allow her to gain some strength again, we 
HOPE!!! Other wise things are going along about the same.
  Keep us in mind and prayers.. Talmon.

>From: "Carolyn Young" <mrbill at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: "Gate's Edge Mail List" <gatesedge at>
>Subject: GE - Latest on William the Invisible
>Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 23:58:47 -0500
>Hi Gang,
>Well, it's not pneumonia; nor an infection of the blood; nor leukemia 
>(thank all the Gods); nor anything else they've tested for.  The pulmonary 
>specialist and the infectious disease specialist, both think it's a 
>resistant strain of staph from his foot and his podiatrist doesn't know his 
>you-know-what from a hole in the ground.
>So Bill is on a different antibiotic and will be in hospital for at least 2 
>to 3 more days so they can tell whether or not it's working.
>Happy Bunny Day,

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