[Gatesedge] Our intentions.....

Michael Tucker michaelt at neosoft.com
Thu Aug 2 08:53:06 PDT 2001

Greetings, Tyr & Jacques, and all else who read these runes:

I, too, offer my hand and my word in apology. Just as I am certain you meant no
harm by your post, I meant no harm by mine. Just as you meant to motivate the
Gate's Edge fighters, so did I.

If you can make it to Tuesday night practice... great! The more, the merrier! If
not, due to schedule conflicts, work, heat exhaustion, whatever... I understand.
That's why folks start up other practices on other nights. But if you aren't
coming because of the distance... then you have no more excuse for skipping
practice than me (and I have *no* room to talk!). ;-)

Yours in faith, friendship, and encouragement,
Michael Silverhands
old gray-headed baron

JacquesDeBlanc at aol.com wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Thanks for all the positive emails from the Legion and Non Legionaries.
> We are aware that other regions read the Gates Edge list, but please know
> this was solely for the heavy fighters of Gates Edge.  We have plans, if
> necessary, to make a GE list for heavy fighters, to avoid disrupting the GE
> list.
> It has come to our attention that our email has come across as being
> negative.  So, shall we reiterate.....
> The soul purpose of the email, once again, was to Motivate!
> Not to undermined anyone's efforts.  ANYONE!
> Tuesday night fighter practice, once again, is great, and we plan to attend
> as often as possible.
> We are talking about Gates Edge, GE has a small group of heavy fighters and
> we need help to grow.
> Our email was to encourage getting together as GE heavy fighters.
> It is very disappointing to hear that phone calls are being made to parts of
> this group, making assumptions that this was negative towards any one person.
>  The murmur in the background is very frustrating and there is no need to
> talk about fellow members.  We are a family and if something needs to be
> said....say it to everyone.
> Tyr & Jacques

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