[Gatesedge] William The Invisible's Mother

Michael Tucker michaelt at neosoft.com
Mon Aug 27 09:35:22 PDT 2001

Greetings unto Lady Caitlin and her family:

I know that this is an extremely painful and sad time for you and yours. No
words of ours can help you now in your hour of trial, but hopefully when you
read these words later you will find comfort in them. I know that your beliefs,
like mine, hold that those who have journeyed onward are in a better place than
they were. But parting with them is still hard on us, and my heart goes out to
you. Know that you are loved, and never truly alone.

Michael Silverhands

"D. Vandever" wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> BlankDear Folks of the Canton,
> As you saw last week by Lord Steven's missive, Caitlin's mother-in-law suffered a stroke last Tuesday.  I am sorry to report that she has steadily lost ground all this week, becoming less and less responsive with increasing paralysis on the right side of her body.  Today she is running a 101 degree fever when her normal temperature is 96 to 97 degrees.  She can not speak and seems to be drifting in and out of conciousness.  Most of the time, she appears to be in a light coma.
> There is not much hope of a recovery.  Hospice care for the terminally ill is being discussed.  Her feeding tube may be removed.
> This is a very stressful, terrible, and sad time for our seneschal and her husband.  We don't see him often but are always glad when we do.  The Lady has never played our game but she is and was a fine woman, good mother and devoted wife. (Her husband passed away a few years ago and she came to live here to be close to Caitlin and William).  I have met with her on a few occasions and she was always gracious and kind with a really cool sense of humor.
> I would ask and hope that each of you, in your own way and within your belief systems, would pause to send each of these fine folk a good thought, a prayer, some useful energy & peace.  This is when we all need our friends to be those friends.
> Thank you.  I'm sure that Caitlin and William will also thank you when this all passes.
> In Service,
> Annes
> Dear God,  Help me to be the person
> my dog thinks I am.  Amen
> --
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