[Gatesedge] Table at Stargate Yule

Sara Galley saragalley at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 3 21:35:25 PST 2001

Tegan, we'd love to sit with the Gate's Edge folks.  There's 3 of us.

And since we're pretty new, for everyone going "who the heck is _that_?"
we're the folks with the little blond boy who were at Stargate populace
tonight and have been popping up places for the last month or so.

Oh, and I can embroider, but I can't make it to insignia guild on the 20th
-- if you've got diagrams or whatever I can take with me, though, I'll be
happy to help.


----- Original Message -----
From: tegangwyllt <tegangwyllt at mail.ev1.net>
To: <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 4:34 PM
Subject: [Gatesedge] Table at Stargate Yule

> Hello everyone!
> I was just wondering who was planning on attending the festivities
> this Saturday?  I was hoping to try to have as many Gate's Edgers
> sit as a group as we could.  We have an abundence of beautiful
> flower arangements thanks to our Senechal and her family and have
> had offers of table clothes and other things to make our groups
> table look spectacular.  If anyone is interested in sitting
> together, as a group, please e-mail me and let me know so I know
> how many places to snag.
> In Service to the Dream,
> Lady Tegan

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