[Gatesedge] Table at Stargate Yule

Michael Tucker michaelt at neosoft.com
Thu Dec 6 10:05:14 PST 2001

brichard wrote:
> Yah, I think off-board or side-board or whatever the local terminology is fro
> bringing your own food is probably the way I'll be going.  Especially true
> with the youngsters along!  In places where I've lived before, no feast ticket
> meant no table space.  Is that also true of Ansteorran events?
> [snip]
> Take Care,
>   Telynor
> m.k.a.
> Beth Richard
>       Houston, TX
>       brichard at pdq.net

Greetings, lady Telynor:

It depends on the event, but *usually* that isn't the case in Ansteorra. You can
sit with your friends whether you've all purchased feast or not. (That will be
the way of things at *this* event.) Occasionally I see someone run a feast
otherwise, but it's such an unpopular idea - and Ansteorrans are such a
stubborn, headstrong lot (*grin*) - that you don't see it very often.

Please note that there will be a separate children's feast available if you
don't want to feed them the same thing the adults are eating. I'm uncertain of
the details, so please don't hold me to this, but I *think* it's available to
children aged 5 and under, will consist of hot dogs and maccaroni & cheese (or
something like that), and (I think) will be free.

And note the following which was announced by the head cook on Tuesday:

Ted Kubricht wrote:
> Greetings all,
> [snip]  We have decided that everyone who
> comes to Yule Revel will be well fed, waiting list or not. [snip]
> In fine Spirit,
> Vaclav and Vasilisa

I look forward to seeing you there!

Yours in service,
Michael Silverhands

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