[Gatesedge] New Year's Eve

Phillip Toland p.toland at computer.org
Tue Dec 18 15:32:05 PST 2001

Greetings Good Folk,
I know that the foremost thought on everyone's mind right now is "What
about the O'Niell New Year's Eve party?" Well, wonder no more. As my Lady,
  my daughter, my dogs, my cat, my fish and my birds and I are planning on
moving in the near future we will not be able to hold the New Year's Eve
bash...at our place. Instead, Lord Carluccio has generously volunteered
his residence for the revelry - Huzzah!

To recap, the Third Annual O'Niell New Year's Eve Revel (including mead,
cider, pyment, beer and assorted cordials) will be held at Lord Carluccio'
s residence on...uh...New Year's Eve. Please bring your favorite hunger
and thirst relieving substances and contact Lord Carluccio for direction
as I have no idea where he lives (actually that's not true - I know he
lives near Iaen, but I also have no idea where Iaen lives).

Ciaran O'Niell

"Put silk on a goat and it is still a goat."
  -Ancient Irish Proverb

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