ANST-Announce - Deputy Server Admin Announcement...

Pug Bainter serveradmin at
Wed Feb 14 11:08:34 PST 2001

Good Morning,

  Some of you already know this, but others do not and that is my fault.

  I now have a Deputy to assist with the running of the Kingdom Server.
  Lady Emma de Fetherstan from Mooneschadowe will be assisting me and
  helping to improve the level and variety of service that the Kingdom
  will have access to. She has a long background of administering Linux
  systems similar to what our Kingdom runs as well as a good work ethic.

  To help further our efforts to work together to further the Kingdom
  server, I have a request. Please make sure that all correspondances
  regarding the server are to serveradmin at in order for us
  properly share duties between us.

  These types of requests include:

New mailing list request
Mailing list change/fix requests
New account requests
Password change requests
Webserver feature requests

  This is not a comprehensive list, but it is the most common items that
  people request needing our action. If you are in doubt, please send it
  to serveradmin at and we will make sure that the right thing

In Service,

Phelim "Pug" Gervase   |  "The problem's plain to see
Bryn Gwlad - Ansteorra |   Too much technology."
Dark Horde Moritu      |   
pug at            |   --Styx
  Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
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