GE - posting proposal 715.2.3

Eadric Anstapa eadric at
Tue Feb 27 07:02:38 PST 2001

Anyone can start a new email list for FREE and you don't need any hardware
to do it.  Go to    and just start a new group.
I am a member of a number of groups there.  There are many SCA groups hosted
there both for society-wide lists and local ones.  For instance,  the SCA
Archery, SCA Missile Combat, SCA Siege, SCA Brew, etc. lists are all Yahoo
Groups.  Our local gaming group also has a list there just for the 5 of us
to communicate and coordinate our gaming dates.  Yahoo groups used to be the
E-groups that Damask mentioned.  Just go to the Yahoo Groups web page and so
a search on SCA and you will find literally hundreds of SCA groups.

For instance I noticed this list there
We are the bead-workers for Gate's Edge. And we wanted a place where we
could meet and talk about beads, unfetered by mundane locations and time
schedules. Here we hope to also meet with others who share our love for
beads and the many ways they can be used. Though this group is primarily for
residents of Gates's Edge and other members of the SCA, anyone who loves to
bead is welcome.

I dunno who setup the beading list, but thank you for the wonderful example.
This is precisely what I had intended when I suggested we should find a more
appropriate place for detailed casting discussions.

It would be better if one of the people interested in the subject setup and
administered the group. i.e. one of a guild principals should do it.
Stephen can't administer every list that comes along.



----- Original Message -----
From: "mattias gottlieb" <mattgottlieb01 at>
To: <gatesedge at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 8:24 AM
Subject: GE - posting proposal 715.2.3

> if stephen would not mind setting up a dicussion list
> I would like to see that happen I have some extra
> computer parts.. ram and hard disks i would be willing
> to donate in order to facilitate the extra hardship it
> would incur on the host machine.. that way if a new
> guild was starting to be formed it could be annouced
> on the gatesedge at list and then when it
> gets enough response moved to the
> casting at , seamstress at ,
> armoring at , or even archery at
> lists for those that wish to subscribe to a specific
> interest.. I for one an interested in all the above
> and more... everything except the "kilt and sheep
> guild" :) If this is a bad idea or something else is
> simpler please propose it so we can get this out of
> the way and continue to have a happy family...
> Godspeed,
> Mattius

Go to to perform mailing list tasks.

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