Storfer, James Storfer at
Fri Feb 9 08:43:24 PST 2001

Hear-yee hear-yee..... 
1st iron seamstress competition has been completed. Although the golden
pepper was not sacrificed, it was a fast and furious competition. The battle
field was filled with pins and scraps.
The iron seamstress team got off to a great start by already having many
green and white pennats cut out and the challengers seemed to be doomed...
The night was plagued by girls with hands stuck in doors and sewing machines
going Kaput. Anyway here are the scores...

the three catagories for points are helpfullness, quality, and quantity.
the point scale is from 1 to 5 (5 being the best).

                  challengers              IRON SEAMSTRESSES
Helpfullness          5                            3
Quality               5                            5
Quantity              3                            5
total                 13                           13

while these are only the scores from judge one, judge two(Bowen) may turn
the tide so that we can proclaim a victor. 
In the child's competition Alex had taken the day with the total completion
of a chamese(shirt thingy) for her barbie... and as a late entry Kale's
addition of a cloak for barbie was well respected...
Until next time....


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