GE - I asked her continued

Kevin Grandjean krgrafix at
Mon Feb 19 14:33:47 PST 2001

Let's see here where did I leave off. Oh yeah, she drove up in a gray truck and I greeted her with the chest. I asked her what happened to her black truck. She said "Oh, it's my boyfriend's, I only use it at night." So, with broken heart I handed her the chest. I had hoped she would have put it in her truck and drove away. Instead she opened it on my trunk. She read the poem and then rushed me; giving me a big hug. I was only out about ninety dollars. It was well worth the hug, and causing her to smile. With hind sight, I would still do it gladly. For certain God will bless me a thousand fold, on this deed. Perhaps next time I will gather intelligence first. 

She may very well go for you when she finds out that yoiu are going to war in her honor....... Brongaar
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