GE - Casting

Eadric Anstapa eadric at
Mon Feb 26 16:24:22 PST 2001

As a general rule lists of this nature are intended for announcements,
questions,  cries for help and short notes of interest to the populace.

There are doubtless a number of people on this list who don't care to get
their email inboxes filled up with messages about casting but do wish or
need to remain subscribed so that they can get news an announcements.  Once
a topic moves from a question or announcement to a discussion it should be
moved elsewhere.

Also, as a general rule it is considered bad form to send Rich Text or HTML
messages to a list like this.  When you send a message with pretty fonts,
pictures, background, or use stationary.  All that extra stuff makes the
email message several orders of magnitude larger and forces list readers to
download those pictures and extra formatting commands if they wish to read
your message  It also eats up extra disk space.  If somebody is on a slow
dialup link or reading their message on a portable device that is really a
pain.  When you send to a list of this nature proper net etiquette is to
always send plain text messages.   Some list servers will even automagically
reject or strip out all of the non-text stuff.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Tyr Tjuguskegg" <tjuguskegg at>
To: <gatesedge at>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: GE - Casting

> Just curious...I am fairly new to this list, but why do we have to take
> subject of casting elsewhere? I thought this was used for
> there some rule I am breaking by talking about casting here?
> Tyr Tjuguskegg
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