ANST-Announce - Bard Block at Gulf Wars X

PJ Boosinger pjboosinger at
Tue Jan 30 04:16:43 PST 2001


This is very, very last minute but I’m going to give
it a try anyway.  Please feel free to forward this to
any who might be interested. (Sorry for the multiple

Deadline for Gulf Wars X reservations (to get a
discount and be counted in land reservations) is
January 31, 2001 (TOMORROW!!!).  So, get them in the
mail today (and not risk them being post marked late

I love Bardic arts, especially the old SCA songs.  So,
this is an attempt to start a new camping group at
Gulf Wars called “Bard Block” for those of us who like
sitting around the fire singing the old songs and
learning new ones; for telling stories and getting to
know each other.  It is my hope that we can have
bardic arts going as much of the day and night as
possible.  If you’d like to join this camping group,
simply write in “Bard Block” on your Gulf Wars
reservation form in the “Group Camping With” line and
let me know that you’ve sent your reservation in.  (Of
course, those who get their reservations in by the
above deadline will be included in the land allocation
and additional campers will be included if space

I need your input!  Any suggestions for Bard Block
would be greatly appreciated.  Competitions?  What
kind of awards/gifts would be appropriate?  What kind
of drinks, food, etc. would entice bards to stop in or
camp with Bard Block?  How big of a fire pit?  How
should it be laid out?

To all: whether you camp in Bard Block or not, I hope
you’ll stop in to contribute and/or just enjoy the

Dumbeks (and other possibly loud instruments).  First,
I very much like drums and all the loud music. 
Second, there are plenty of campsites that welcome
drums even if they drown out the singers.  In Bard
Block, I hope the loud instruments will be toned down
to background so we can enjoy the tunes and voices.  I
do not wish to offend any but I would like to hear the
songs being sung and the tales being told.

Reservation forms and lots of info at

And if you just want to chat about Gulf Wars X, join
us at (formerly

My thanks to Lady Simone and the other Ansteorran
bards who encouraged me and suggested the Bard Block

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