GE - sewing guild--thurs

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at
Wed Jan 10 08:04:14 PST 2001

Monday Jan 29th is the "all night" planning meeting I thought!


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gatesedge at
[mailto:owner-gatesedge at]On Behalf Of Margaret Nanny
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 9:41 AM
To: gatesedge at
Subject: Re: GE - sewing guild--thurs

Greetings all!
Unfortunately I have another commitment myself this Thursday and will not be
attending sewing guild.  The main fabric for the banners was decided upon at
the last regalia planning meeting, I will be getting this prior to our next
regalia sewing circle.  It was decided to use trigger fabric in white,
hunter green, and black for the main body of the champions'pass down
banners. I think it's best if this is all bought at the same time so that
there are no color variations in the fabric.  The only thing that wasn't
100% decided upon was the fabric to be used for the charges in a gold color.
  Most felt that it would look nicer/fancier if the  charges were not done
in trigger, but instead with a fabric that has some brightness or sheen to
it. It was also suggested that the charges be attached to the banner with a
slightly quilted/padded fusible lining to add dimension/body to it.

I think if you have durable, washable fabric in the basic heraldic colors to
donate, please do so.  It would be great to have other banners and shields
made in various heraldic designs, even if they are only simple field
divisions, they would look great for decorating at any event we

I plan on having the next regalia sewing cirle on Monday, January 29th, at
7:00pm.  It will be at my home, unless otherwise noted before then.

In service,
Lady Seren

>From: "Diane M. Mathews" <camelothorse at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: <gatesedge at>
>Subject: GE - sewing guild--thurs
>Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 13:28:10 -0600
>Hello !
>I don't have much money after Christmas but, what I do have is LOTS ( and I
>mean LOTS ) of material.  If Serene or Gwyn want to get together with me
>and go through some of this, I am more than happy to donate material that
>you think will work.   Again, I am going to try to come to the meeting this
>thursday but, it seems like everytime I " PLAN " to attend, an emergency
>with the animals or family comes up.   Keep your fingers crossed !  Maybe I
>can actually make it this time !

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