[Gatesedge] Ansteorra-Kingdom Dance Symposium-July 21, 2001-The Woodlands, TX-European,Middle Eastern,Musicians

Debbie Spangler paperdol at wt.net
Mon Jul 2 12:51:17 PDT 2001

Greetings unto you all!

The Canton of Westgate, Barony of the Stargate (Houston, TX), Kingdom of
Ansteorra, invites all good gentles with an interest in music or dance to
join us on July 21, 2001, as we host this year's Kingdom Dance Symposium.

This year's symposium will feature a Middle Eastern dance track: a full day
of classes for beginners to intermediate level with teachers teaching
posture, attitude, basic moves, arabic dance, improvisational, floor work,
shimmies and abdominal work, body isolation, and zill work. There will be a
hafla in the evening. For more information on the classes, contact: Lady
Ceara at kieralady at webtv.net.

For musicians, there will be a full day of classes including: historical
harp, middle eastern riqq, loud band, renaissance recorder, dance music
improvisation. For more information on the classes, contact: Master Avatar
at avatar1 at flash.net.

There will be 3 tracks of European dance classes throughout the day for all
levels. Dr. Yvonne Kendall will teach a morning class on 16th c. Italian and
an afternoon class on 15th c. bassedance. HL Guillaume de Troyes and Lady
Isabeau Lallemont will teach classes on La Volta and Galliards as well as a
three hour class on Il Canario. Other instructors include HL Philip White,
HL Ihon Vinson macFergus, Madame Perronnelle Charette de la Tour du Pin, HL
Signy Gandalvsdottir, HL Myfanwy ferch Eifion and there will be classes on
bransles, almans, English Country Dance, and yes, HL Ihon will teach his
Prendente in Giro. For more information on classes--and we do still have a
few openings for instructors, contact HL Ihon at jhirling at houston.rr.com.
There will be a European Dance Ball in the evening.

Please see our website at http://westgate.ansteorra.org/kds/kds.htm for a
more detailed list of classes.

Site information: The Kingdom Dance Symposium will be held at Boni's Dance
Studio (9102 Forest Crossing Drive, The Woodlands, TX  77381). Site opens at
8:30 am and will close at 10:00 pm. Warm-up classes begin at 9:30 am and
classes start at 10:00 am. Site Fee is $10/adult, $5/12 and under, with a
$30 family maximum. Luncheon, an evening dessert sideboard, and disposable
feast gear are included in your site fee; however, there will be no evening
feast--eating establishments are within walking distance.

Directions to site: Take your best route to I-45 in The Woodlands. Turn west
on Research Forest Drive. Turn SW(left) on Gosling Road. Turn SE(left) on
Forest Crossing Drive. Please note this is a dry site and no pets are

Additional information: There will be a silent auction to benefit the SCA
Texas Renaissance Festival Fund. To make donations, contact Mistress Hillary
at mgreen at mpan.com or the autocrats. There is limited merchant space
available. Merchants, please contact Mistress Hillary. For further
information, contact the autocrats: HL Signy Gandalvsdottir at
paperdol at wt.net/281-353-9118 or Lord David Dayly at
d_pollack at earthlink.net/281-561-0652. Please make checks payable to SCA,
Inc., Canton of Westgate. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal
guardian. They may also attend with a 21-year-old or older adult with a
signed and notarized Minor Event Waiver Form from the parents. There will be
no children's activities at this event.

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