[Gatesedge] Huhuhuhu. We're hunting Bowens

Ld. Cedric Aeschere Einarsson fuzzybreeks at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 26 17:54:12 PDT 2001

Greetings all!

Ansteorra Fish and Wildlife has issued a public safety announcement for
everyone in Gate's Edge. There have been reported sightings of that
most elusive beast, the wild Bowen, in your area. If you see this
creature, do not panic. It is (to quote the technical term) "mostly
harmless" in it's natural habitat although it does posess strong
natural defenses, especially its caustic aroma and its thick bristles,
which have been known to absorb careless small animals from time to

If anyone in Gate's Edge sees this odd beast, please have it contact me
at Fuzzybreeks at yahoo.com at it's earliest possible convenience. Thank

-- Cedric Einarsson

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