[Gatesedge] Ahhhhhhhhhhh............

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at houston.rr.com
Sun Jun 3 09:08:30 PDT 2001

Now that MSF over we can all breath a sigh of relief.  I have never had more
blisters and stiff achy muscles in my life!

I know that Kingdom Warlord is next weekend, but......... for those of you
who are not going,
Heinrich and I invite you to our home for an afternoon of beer drinking and
relaxation by floating in the pool.

We will hit the pool by 2 PM, bring beverages (no glass please) and chairs.

The address is 2019 Roanwood       Ponderosa Forest subdivision
1960/Kuykendahl area

Email me for more specific instruction if you wish to attend!


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