[Gatesedge] Ahhhhhhhhhhh............

Tyr Tjuguskegg tjuguskegg at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 4 22:25:58 PDT 2001

Try pouring bleach on your legs in the shower and then rinsing them off...it
burns but it usually does the trick, if that doesn't work I would say try a
sock with sulfur and pat down your legs with it...I have always had success
with the bleach.

Tyrbringr "Tyr" Tjuguskegg
of Clan Grepyr,
Legion of the Sable Star.

>I am going to start screaming if these chiggers don't >stop stinging and
>itching very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!  If >someone has another idea about how to
>them other than clear nail polish to suffocate them, >please let me know.
>Even though I like the idea of torturing them slowly.. I >just wish it did
>not have to happen under my skin. >Ouch!!!!!!!!  Another started itching
>See you later

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