[Gatesedge] Coastal Metalworkers and Armorers list

tegangwyllt tegangwyllt at mail.ev1.net
Mon Jun 25 07:26:07 PDT 2001

Good Gentles,

Not too long ago, a discussion list was started by a small group
of people to share ideas and information about metal working and
armoring.  I would like to take this opportunity to invite all of
you out there that are interested in joining this discussion group
to also join this group.  You may subscribe by e-mailing (do NOT
just reply to this post):

coastalmetalandarmor-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

We use this list to discuss ideas and projects, get answers to
questions and figure out when we can all get together and do
things in person.  I'd love to see any of you that have an
interest in this to join and learn more about it.  And don't think
that this is just for fighters, metal working also includes
jewelry and casting.

In service to the Dream, and all those that share it,

Lady Tegan Gwyllt
Coastal Metal and Armor list administrator

Sent via the EV1 webmail system at mail.ev1.net

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