GE - The New Renaissance Festival

William de Clare rigali at
Fri Mar 2 17:48:48 PST 2001

Greetings Ya'll,

     Just in case some of you don't receive the Costal Region List they
announced the new Renaissance Festival starting next weekend March 10th.
Here is what they posted.

Check it out,
William de Clare

To the Coastal Region,

I have been in contact with Wesley Joines of Newcastle Village, a new
Renaissance and Victorian era fair opening in Alvin, just south of
Houston. He has attended out fighter practise and met with several of
our people. He would like us to come and do demo's at his fair: combat,
arts and sciences. The deal would be much like it is at TRF(3hours of
work for free admition) except that there is no overnight camping that
I know of so far. It will be much like it was in the early days of the
TRF as it is just getting started. So far we do not have anyone who is
running this demo as many of us seem to be heading off to war the
opening weekend. We need a coordinator for this demo. Mr.Joines has
asked that we sign up with someone so he knows how many of us will show
each weekend. His contact info is:

Newcastlevillage at

Wesley Joines
Dates: March 10 to April 1, 2001 (Weekends Only)
When: 9:00 AM till Dark
Where: 13810 County Road 184 Alvin, Texas 77511

If you are interrested in coordinating this series of demos, please let
me know. I am not incharge of this only passing along his requests to

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