ANST-Announce - Kingdom Chronicler

Michael Tucker michaelt at
Thu Mar 8 08:17:34 PST 2001

Unto the populace of the Kingdom of Ansteorra
Come greetings from Master Michael Silverhands:

At Their Majesty's request, and with the blessing of Mistress Honor of Restormel
(Society Chronicler), I have assumed the duties of Kingdom Chronicler. That's
what I get for telling HL Gala when she took office that I'd be her emergency
replacement deputy. I'm honored by the opportunity to serve the kingdom in this
capacity, although I regret these circumstances. My heartfelt thanks to Gala for
her help in making the transition a smooth one.

I am assuming the full duties of the office, but on an interim basis. I am
fulfilling a promise I made to Gala, and honoring a request of the Crown. Please
consider this the first call for applications for the office. The official
notice will appear as soon as possible in the "Black Star" (hopefully the April
issue, if it's not too late). I will review the applications and forward them to
the Crown, the Heirs, and to Mistress Honor for their consideration.
Applications will be accepted until the end of June, with an announcement to be
made in July (perhaps at Coronation, but it is much too early to say that for
certain). Therefore, I will be publishing (at a minimum) the May, June, July and
August issues of the Black Star.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but the principal duties of the Kingdom
Chronicler include:
- publishing and mailing the Black Star, accurately, on time and under budget
- managing the funds required to publish the Black Star
- reporting the use of those funds to Corporate and Kingdom
- publishing other documents as required by the other Great Officers
- reporting the cost of publishing those documents to Kingdom
- directly managing five regional chroniclers
- indirectly managing about 40-50 branch chroniclers
- training all chroniclers throughout the Kingdom

Note that some of these duties are extremely difficult, if not impossible, to
achieve month after month. You must be able to overcome these difficulties, and
handle possibly harsh criticism when you inevitably fall short. Also, there is
little to no time off. You have just enough time to get one issue of the Black
Star in the mail before it is time to start putting the next issue together. You
must be able to sustain an appropriate level of energy from the time you take
office to the time you turn it over to your successor in one or two years. (This
office is a marathon, not a 100-yard dash.)

On the other hand, this office requires few regular meetings, and most of the
work can be done at odd hours according to your own schedule. It can be an
extremely rewarding and satisfying way to serve the needs of the Kingdom. :-)

Please mail applications for the office to:

Michael Tucker (Michael Silverhands)
2903 Kevin
Houston, TX 77043

You must include proof of your SCA membership, your contact information, and a
short letter stating your understanding of the duties and why you think you will
be able to fulfill them. (Hint: if your letter is longer than one page, you're
oversharing.) Reliable and timely telephone and email access are essential to
this office, as is a reliable support crew. One person alone cannot do this job justice.

My thanks again to HL Gala for her service, and to the Crown for giving me the
opportunity to serve in her stead. My thanks in advance to all of you upon whom
I will be calling to aid me in fulfilling this duty.

Yours in service,
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